TreePlotter JOBS: Application intended to simplify the processes for Tree Care Specialists managing Tree Care work for their clients.
Artifact: Application items that are created by an event or user interaction; e.g. Service Request, Estimate, Job, Work Order, or Work Task
Assets: Items of value that have worked performed on them; e.g. Trees
Client: Clients are the customers of the Tenant / Tree Care Specialist that request work and approve Estimates
Contact Name: The main point of contact for a Client. This could be the same as the Client Name with some residential clients.
Cost: The monetary value associated to the amount of money required for a Tenant to perform a service
Estimate: Estimates are at the heart of the Jobs application and require a Tree Specialist to possibly inventory Trees at a specific Job Site and to create Work Tasks with respective pricing that allow the Client to evaluate the specific work and the associated price. An artifact that is created by an Estimator which is composed of Sections and subsequent Work Tasks; typically initiated by a Service Request (but not mandatory); user identifies all of the recommended Work Tasks and the associated Price associated to each Work Task
Job: The collection of artifacts for a specific Client that are related to a specific entity; i.e. a collection of a Service Record, Estimate, Work Order(s) and Work Tasks created for a specific Client
Job Site: The physical location where Work on an asset takes place
My Forest: My Forest is a Map centric view of Job Sites and Trees
Open Bid: A Work Task that is not created from a Price Catalog Work Item but is a free-form task that may be added to an Estimate (and “pushed” to a Work Order within the same job)
Price: The monetary value associated to the amount of money a Client will pay for a service
Section: A specific organization of Work Tasks within an Estimate
Service Request: A Service Request is a simple form that is completed and submitted by a potential or existing Client to request the Tenant to provide an Estimate. An artifact that can be initiated by any user; essentially a request to have one or more assets for a specific client at a specific job site evaluated for possible work
Tenant: The Application Customer that has purchased Jobs and is a Customer of Plan-It Geo directly
Work Order: A Work Order is a collection of Work Tasks that for different reasons, may be grouped together. An artifact that is initiated by an Estimate (Estimator) which has been approved and Scheduled (Scheduler) for Work
Work Task: An artifact within a n Estimate Section or a Work Order that is created leveraging a Work Item from the Price Catalog or an Open Bid item which can be performed on an asset