Integration with QuickBooks Online and TreePlotter JOBS is intended to provide JOBS customers with the ability to connect to their existing QuickBooks Online account and to facilitate a basic synchronization between JOBS clients and their respective invoices for specific jobs and work orders.
Establishing the Connection
Navigate to the Integrations page by clicking Admin> Settings. Here you will see the option to connect to your Quickbooks Online Account. You will be prompted to enter your Quickbooks Online account username and password. Once the account is connected you can check the status at any time by returning to this page.
Integration Basics
Clients and Customers
When new clients are created in TreePlotter JOBS, the application uses the provided credentials to check to see if the client’s email address matches an existing customer in QuickBooks Online. If the TreePlotter JOBS client does not yet exist in QuickBooks Online, a new customer entry is created. If the TreePlotter JOBS client already exists in the respective QuickBooks Online account, the two accounts are linked.
New clients can also be created through a service request in JOBS. Regardless of whether a service request is created with a new or existing JOBS client, when the service request is submitted, TreePlotter JOBS will create a new QuickBooks Online customer or link a matching customer to the associated JOBS client.
When a new job is created in the TreePlotter JOBS application and the respective work orders are completed by the user, the respective work orders can be invoiced by the user in TreePlotter JOBS. When creating an invoice in TreePlotter JOBS with an established QuickBooks Online connection, TreePlotter JOBS will automatically create the respective invoice in QuickBooks Online and establish the link between the QuickBooks Online customer and the new invoice.
The QuickBooks Online invoice contains basic information that includes the following:
- Customer Name
- Invoice Date - date the invoice was created from TreePlotter JOBS to QuickBooks Online
- Due Date - same as the Invoice Date
- Ledger - basic line item ledger of the specific work tasks included in the respective completed work order that is being invoiced for along with a basic description and the total amount of each line item
- Total - summation of all of the respective ledger line items
- Balance Due - the total amount outstanding for the respective invoice
Note: When a TreePlotter JOBS Invoice is created while the connection to a QuickBooks Online account is established, the Jobs Invoice will include this message at the top of the TreePlotter JOBS Invoice:
This invoice has been imported into QuickBooks and can only be edited there. The copy shown below may not reflect changes since creation
Additional Invoice Notes:
Taxes: Tax rates can be configured in Jobs and in Quickbooks Online. However, while Taxes configured in Jobs do appear on Estimates, the Taxes are ignored and not propagated to the QBO Invoice as QBO is intended to be the source of truth.
- Discount: Jobs allows the user to apply a Discount on an OPEN Invoice and QBO also allows the user to apply a discount to an Invoice. However, if the QBO Connection is established, the option to apply a Discount to an Invoice is NOT available to JOBS users so Discounts must be applied within QBO which again, is intended to be the source of truth.
Payment Processing
While Payment Processing options like accepting a credit card payment from a client for a specific Invoice is not available in JOBS directly, JOBS customers that use the Quickbooks Online integration have an option to utilize Quickbooks Payments feature to facilitate this workflow.
Note that the Quickbooks Payments is an add-on optional service for Quickbooks Online Customers
See: https://quickbooks.intuit.com/payments/
Though Payment Processing through Quickbooks is not a feature JOBS supports directly, customers may have questions about how it works. This link provides brief overview of How to use Quickbooks Payments to receive payments from their customer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mv-6hxhJ04
Client and Customer Matching
There are some cases where there might be some complication with matching the JOBS client email with the QuickBooks Online Customer. We have outlined these cases below.
- If there are multiple of the same email addresses in QuickBooks Online, a connection will not be made from the JOBS client.
- QuickBooks Online requires a unique Customer Name. Therefore, if a customer needs to be created in QuickBooks Online, but the Customer Name already exists, the user will be prompted to change the Client Name in JOBS in order to have a unique Customer Name in QuickBooks Online.
Not Included in the integration
- Synchronize Payments - Payments applied to a specific invoice from within QuickBooks Online that was initially created by TreePlotter JOBS will not be reflected in the respective invoice in TreePlotter JOBS
- Update Invoice Status - Invoices that are created in TreePlotter JOBS while a QuickBooks Online connection is established remain in the OPEN state forever
- Reference Products & Services Items - TreePlotter JOBS does not utilize any potential QuickBooks Online products or services in the line item ledger of the respective QuickBooks Online invoice. All TreePlotter JOBS invoices utilize the respective JOBS work tasks as created by within the original estimate
- Synchronize Invoices - Invoices created within TreePlotter JOBS while there is no QuickBooks Online connection established cannot be retroactively “pushed” to QuickBooks Online after a connection is established